young couple outside first date

10 Perfect Questions to Ask a Date to Get to Know Them Better

Are you looking for some good questions to ask when you’re out on a date? Here are a handful of fun and engaging conversation starters that aren’t too personal but will tell you a lot about a person.

1. What Do You Do for Fun?

couple on date laughing with coffee
Image Credit: Song_about_summer/Shutterstock.

“What do you do for fun?” That question is much more interesting than the typical “What do you do for work?” It also provides insight into whether they have any hobbies or passions, which is important. Of course, if they cannot answer this question, it could signal that you have a chronic TV watcher or workaholic sitting across from you.

2. What Is Your Favorite Animal?

Young couple drinking coffee outside date
Image Credit: Phase4Studios/Shutterstock.

Are you an animal lover? “What is your favorite animal?” It is a fun and simple question that is a great conversation opener. It’s not too personal or heavy; almost everyone has a favorite animal. This conversation will often branch into discussing pets, too.

3. What’s the Most Interesting Thing You’ve Read or Heard This Week?

couple first date in cozy coffee shop
Image Credit: GaudiLab/Shutterstock.

“What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or heard this week?” This is a perfect question to gauge what types of content your date consumes and what they deem “interesting.”

4. What Song Has Been With You All Your Life?

couple on date at diner
Image Credit: baranq/Shutterstock.

“What song has been with you all your life?” If you are a music lover, this is a fun question that can lead to a light and easy beginning conversation. It’s also a great way to see if you’re musically compatible or singing different tunes.

5. What Do You Do Daily?

couple drinking coffee date
Image Credit: clownbusiness/Shutterstock.

“What do you do daily?” It’s a fantastic question to discover your date’s habits. After all, habits define people. Is your date busy with appointments and activities, or do they consume cannabis all day in their pajamas?

Either one has a compatible partner somewhere, but is this person for you? An excellent follow-up question is, “And what would you like to be doing daily?”

6. What’s Your Dream Vacation?

couple eating desert on date
Image Credit: Nejron Photo/Shutterstock.

“What’s your dream vacation?” It’s an easy, light question that can spark interesting conversations. It’s also a fun lead into discovering if and where your date has traveled and if it is something they want to do.

7. How Would Your Closest Friends Describe You?

Asian couple laughing on date
Image Credit: Dragon Images/Shutterstock.

“How would your closest friends describe you?” Asking a date for the answer to this question gives them a moment to reflect on themselves in a positive light (hopefully). It should result in some pretty telling answers, especially watching body language to gauge confidence in what they’re saying.

8. What’s Your Favorite Question to Ask Someone to Get to Know Them Better?

couple talking in the park
Image Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock.

“What’s your favorite question to ask someone to get to know them better?” I love it, and it’s an excellent way to get your date to start a friendly conversation, beginning with something that interests or is important to them.

9. If You Could Have Any Superpower — What Would It Be and Why?

happy flirty first date couple
Image Credit: – Yuri A/Shutterstock.

“If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?” It’s a fun question that’s not too heavy but gives you some insight into your date and their way of thinking.

10. What Is Your Favorite Book?

side view happy couple on coffee date
Image Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock.

“What is your favorite book?” If you’re a reader, this question is important because you understand the importance of reading for personal growth. Their answers will let you know if they read. You can also ask, “Who is your favorite author?”

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man holding boombox radio
Image Credit: Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: vchal/Shutterstock.

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