woman eating apple fruit

10 Great Things That People Commonly Mistake as Unhealthy

What ridiculously healthy things have you heard people claim to be unhealthy? For example, fatty foods. Of course, there are some unhealthy trans and saturated fats.

But monounsaturated and essential polyunsaturated fats from plants and fish are good for you and a recommended part of a healthy diet. Here are a handful of other things that are commonly misrepresented as unhealthy.

1. Nuts

woman eating handful of nuts
Image Credit: RossHelen – Shutterstock.

Nuts, specifically unsalted nuts, contain fiber, vitamins, and healthy fats. A couple of handfuls of almonds, pistachios, or walnuts is an excellent substitute for other salty snacks like potato chips and pretzels. Nuts are also a fantastic way to get dense calories if you’re struggling to eat enough. Like anything else, moderation is the key.

2. Boredom

woman bored annoyed reaction
Image Credit: Vladimir Gjorgiev – Shutterstock.

Do you remember being bored as a child? I don’t believe boredom exists on the level it did before screens took over. Between social media and all the apps, boredom is easy to scroll through, but it will cost you your attention span. It’s good for people to be bored. Boredom sparks creativity and productivity.

3. Saying No

black man arms crossed saying no reaction
Image Credit: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock.

Learning about setting boundaries and the power of saying “no” is one of the healthiest ways to protect your mental peace. However, many people are stuck in the people-pleasing cycle and living more difficult lives because of it. It’s OK to say no!

3. Taking a Break to Do Nothing

woman relaxing drinking coffee
Image Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock.

When was the last time that you did nothing, literally — nothing? Taking time to decompress is essential for maintaining mental health. Sometimes, you need to take a couple of deep breaths, turn off the screens, sit outside, or look out a window with no responsibilities or obligation to anything else at that moment. 

4. Crying

woman comforting man crying
Image Credit: Just Life – Shutterstock.

All people benefit from crying. God gave you tear ducts for a reason; you’ll find strength in tears. Many people have confused crying as a sign of weakness, but it’s necessary to feel better. Michigan State University states that cortisol and adrenaline are released when you cry, which helps ease stress.

5. Spending Time Alone

relaxing sitting in nature sun
Image Credit: Sergio Photone/Shutterstock.

Spending time alone is essential to maintaining mental health and focusing on self-care and personal goals. Sometimes, it can be challenging to find those moments, but it’s vital that you do. Schedule ten minutes daily to sit with yourself, collect your thoughts, and breathe. Finding more time alone to engage in passions and self-discovery is better than burning out.

6. Frozen Produce

frozen berries
Image Credit: igorsm8 – Shutterstock.

Have you heard the myth that frozen fruits and vegetables lose their nutritional value? It’s not true. The modern flash-freeze technique preserves almost all of the nutrients. Plus, eating frozen fruits and veggies ensures you’re eating produce that was picked while in season and is often considerably cheaper.

7. Potatoes

woman smelling food potatoes dish
Image Credit: Pixel-Shot – Shutterstock.

The low-carb dieters have convinced the masses that potatoes aren’t good for you. But the truth is they are a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Potatoes are also low in calories, contain zero fat or cholesterol, and are sodium-free.

The Mayo Clinic adds, “They’re high in vitamin C and potassium and are a good source of vitamin B6. A medium potato, about 5.5 ounces, contains only 145 calories.” It’s not the potato that’s unhealthy; it’s the oil, butter, and deep frying methods people use to cook them.

8. Admitting and Apologizing When You’re Wrong

man comforting woman apologizing couple
Image Credit: fizkes – Shutterstock.

When was the last time you could admit you were wrong about something? When was the last time that you apologized to someone for being in the wrong? It’s a game changer when you realize behaving poorly is a learning opportunity, which doesn’t represent a failure but an inherent success.

9. Silence

happy woman sitting in nature silence
Image Credit: Song_about_summer – Shutterstock.

Silence is golden. Unfortunately, we’ve grown so accustomed to noise pollution that natural silence has become anxiety-inducing. Silence improves mental health, reduces blood pressure, enhances self-awareness, improves sleep, helps your brain process what you’re learning, reduces stress, and so much more.

10. Eating Fruits

woman biting apple fruit healthy
Image Credit: Dean Drobot – Shutterstock.

A newer trend I continue to see and read about is how unhealthy fruit is for you because it is packed with sugar. Fruit is part of God’s creation and is listed in the Bible as the food we are meant to consume, so I find that stipulation particularly odd, especially while watching those same people drink ten Diet Coke in a day.

The real offense is the obscene amount of sugar and unnatural sugar substitutes in processed and fast foods. Fruit with seeds and pits contains fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients for optimal health.

Read More: 15 Things That Can Instantly Destroy Your Life Just by Doing It Once

distracted driver texting
Image Credit: Anetlanda – Shutterstock.

Every decision you make, every choice, comes with the consequences of that decision. Some are great, while others carry harsh outcomes. Several things can seriously mess up your life by doing or trying them once. Here are a handful of serious offenders.

15 Things That Can Instantly Destroy Your Life Just by Doing It Once

25 Things You Really Start to Dislike as You Get Older

Stressed Woman Covering Ears noise
Image Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock.

A phenomenon happens as you age; it’s developing the art of not giving a hoot. Additionally, you begin to grow a dislike of things that were once loved or at least tolerated. Here’s a look at some that are pretty typical.

25 Things You Really Start to Dislike as You Get Older

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Elizabeth Ervin helps people embrace a change in money mindset to achieve their financial goals. After struggling for a decade as a single mother, consumed by the American debt cycle, she recognizes the value of financial education and lifestyle changes and aspires to motivate others to make those changes to obtain financial freedom. She heavily advocates for praying about and over your finances and speaking positive money affirmations to manifest abundance.

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