15 Immediate Turn-Offs Commonly Found in Online Dating Bios
Have you ever scrolled through dating profiles and observed immediate turn-offs branded in people’s bios? You’re not alone. Several commonalities, which people confess make them cringe, are discussed here.
1. Only Having One Profile Picture

Only having a single profile picture doesn’t showcase much about you. It also suggests there is a decent chance the image is old or you are catfishing.
2. Only Having Group Photos

Similarly, why are you trying to make people guess which person you are in the photo? Having a group photo as your primary or only photo tells daters you’re not confident in who you are.
3. Not Using Your Real Name in Your Profile

What a strange concept, creating ridiculous usernames instead of identifying yourself by your government name. What do you have to hide? Another family. For most, that’s an immediate swipe left.
4. Saying “Don’t Waste My Time”

It speaks measures about you when you sound irritated before even talking to someone, and that’s precisely the tone of the statement: “Don’t waste my time.”
5. Listing Height and Weight Requirements

If you start your dating bio listing the height requirements and weight limitations, you signal to daters that you’re superficial. Having preferences in terms of physical features and personality is one thing and acceptable. We all do. But having a bulleted list of requirements to speak to someone is crass and shallow.
6. Flipping the Bird in Your Photos

Why are you flipping off the camera? Is it supposed to be cute or funny? The implication of that gesture is insulting, and many people don’t find it attractive. It’s a massive turn-off on dating profiles.
7. Ranting About What You Don’t Want in a Partner

If your dating bio reads like a rant about everything you do not want in a partner, be prepared for people to swipe left with the quickness. If a bio starts with “Don’t message me if —” you should heed the advice.
8. Having a Car as Your Profile Picture

Having a car for your profile picture is a red flag to some people, indicating that you’re not confident in showing yourself and/or you have an unhealthy obsession with your vehicles, which may translate to always putting your car first.
9. Speaking in Cliches

Speaking in cliches demonstrates a lack of originality and possible personality. For example, “Fluent in sarcasm” and “You can’t judge a book by its cover.”
10. “Ask Me”

The entire purpose of a dating bio is to introduce yourself through your likes and passions and to say something about yourself. So, if you’re so lazy that your entire bio reads, “Ask me,” it will generate a lot of left swipes. You can’t think of anything to say about yourself?
11. Listing Social Profiles

According to online daters, one of the more annoying trends and turn-offs in dating bios is stating, “I don’t use this app; message me on Instagram.” Alternatively, some list Snapchat as their preferred method of communication. That’s a major turn-off and a weird way to get followers. The dating app exists for a safer way to communicate.
12. When Your Entire Profile Is TV Show Quotes

Are you a sitcom fanatic? I am, and The Office is in the top five. That said, daters admit that if your entire bio is TV show quotes, they will likely swipe left without hesitation. If your entire personality is wrapped up in the popular media you consume instead of the passions and hobbies you entertain, it indicates to some that you’re unoriginal and boring.
And to that, I say: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” — Wayne Gretzky. — Michael Scott.
13. Having Nothing But Filtered Pictures

Chances are that if all of your photos have filters, you’re hiding something or completely catfishing. It’s a universal red flag and turn-off.
14. Smoking

Are you a smoker? It’s a turn-off for people who do not smoke. It stinks, it’s expensive, it distracts from ever doing anything without being interrupted by smoke breaks, and non-smokers will never be attracted to smokers.
Did you know the average time to smoke a cigarette is six minutes? There are 20 cigarettes in a pack. If you’re smoking a pack a day, you spend 120 minutes (or two hours) a day smoking.
15. Stating: “I Don’t Like Drama”

If you state that you do not like drama in your dating bio, you’re signaling to anyone reading that you perpetuate the drama in your life. People who don’t instigate it don’t feel the need to announce they don’t like it.
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Elizabeth Ervin helps people embrace a change in money mindset to achieve their financial goals. After struggling for a decade as a single mother, consumed by the American debt cycle, she recognizes the value of financial education and lifestyle changes and aspires to motivate others to make those changes to obtain financial freedom. She heavily advocates for praying about and over your finances and speaking positive money affirmations to manifest abundance.